salam folks,
1. happy Chap Goh Meh, and happy Thaipusam to all Chinese & Indians :)
2. and most importantly, peace and love to our Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) - let's follow his footsteps, and for sure, we'd end up being a better Muslim. :)
3. for record, i have been talking a lot in my previous posts in regards of being productive individuals; and i believe, those who're interested in self-improvement study would find many other theories related to this particular topic.
4. for Warren Buffet, he suggested us to see ourselves as a business entity - hence, he encourages us to invest a lot of "time & money" for our self-growth. (see his book on "Warren Buffet's Management Secrets: Proven Tools for Personal and Business Success")
5. Stephen Covey, meanwhile, in his book, "7 Habits of Highly Effective People," prefers characteristic rather than personality building. for him, for oneself to be successful, he must first change his paradigm of life - how he sees things, for example.he also rejects the idea of "quick-fix."
6. for this post, i'd like to share some tips found in the Holy Koran (from Surah Al-Mokminoon). based on my quick reading, i found there're about at least 6 characteristics of successful person mentioned. and they're as follows:
- khusyuk dalam solah
- jauh dari perbuatan & perkataan sia-sia
- bersihkan harta (zakat harta)
- jaga kehormatan (except to his wife & servant)
- jaga amanah & janji
- pelihara sembahyang
(note: i follow the sequence mentioned in the Koran)
7. and it's crystal clear that Solah is one of the key things to become a better person (mentioned first and last); in writing class, we're usually told to "save the best for last," right? so, based on this knowledge, i'd assume that Allah has put solah as a paramount element towards becoming a successful person.
8. and honestly speaking, how does Solah change our lives? we pray five times a day, and 365 days a year.. yet, most of the times, we still don't feel the presence of Allah while praying..if that was the case, how could Solah do any good to us, right?
9. so, the first step to get the "feel" is to understand of all words uttered in the Solah. i believe, most of use know the meaning of Al-Fatihah, right? so, i'd like to share the "rare" one, which is "bacaan duduk antara dua sujud"
"Ketika dalam "duduk di antara dua sujud."Dalam tidak sedar, setiap hari kita memohon didalam solat kita..tetapi sayangnya, kita hanya memohon tanpa memahami, sekadar tersebut dibibir, tetapi tidak tersentuh dari hati kita selama ini. Marilah kita mula menghayati ketika kita duduk di antara dua sujud semasa solat. Dengan rendah hati nyatakanlah permohonan ampun kepada Allah.. Rabbighfirli.. (Tuhanku, ampuni aku..)Diamlah sejenak, buka dada dan diri kita untuk menerima ampunan dari Allah seperti membuka diri ketika merasakan hembusan angin sepoi-sepoi atau menerima curahan air hujan ketika kita masih kecil Tetaplah membuka diri kita untuk menerima ampunan Allah. Ulangi permintaan itu beberapa kali hingga kita merasakan ketenangan. Kemudian sampaikanlah permintaan kedua, Warhamni.. (Sayangi aku..) Diam dan tundukkanlah diri kita untuk menerima kasih-sayang Allah yang tak terhitung besarnya. Bukalah dada kita seluas-luasnya agar semakin banyak kasih-sayang Allah yang kita terima. Ulanglah beberapa kali hingga kita merasa cukup. Berturut-turut sampaikanlah permintaan2 berikut dengan cara sebagaimana tersebut di atas, satu persatu. Wajburnii.. (Tutuplah aib-aibku..) Warfa'nii.. (Angkatlah darjatku..) Warzuqnii.. (Berilah aku rezeki..) Wahdinii.. (Berilah aku petunjuk..) Wa'Aafinii.. (Sihatkan aku..) Wa'fuannii..(Maafkan aku..) Setelah selesai, diamlah sejenak lalu sampaikan rasa syukur kita. Betapa besarnya nilai sebuah doa ini..sebuah doa yang kita hanya lewatkan begitu sahaja.. Dalam tidak kita sedar selama ini kita seperti sedang berpura-pura memohon sesuatu. Sebaik-baik manusia ialah orang yang dapat memberi manfaat kepada orang lain (Hadis riwayat Al-Qudhi). "
10. masha-Allah, if we could understand the whole meaning, Solah would be as if we're talking to Allah..and it will no longer be a boring ritual..let's spread the beauty of Islam, folks! :)