Saturday, July 17, 2010


the moment i was born, i already knew that i'll die sometime soon..

the moment i was able to walk by myself, i already knew that it's the time i have to learn being independent...

the moment i was going to my first formal class (kindergarten), i already knew the struggle i'm gonna face in the future...

the moment i was accepted to boarding school, i already knew, it's indeed the beginning of me, being an adult...

the moment i was going to college, i already knew that i can no longer depend on my parents' money...

the moment i was in the States, i already knew that i have to start dreaming for the better of me and my society...

the moment i was in love w/ someone, i already knew that i have to learn accepting her the way she is...

the moment i was alone, i already knew that the death is coming close

~well, it's a cliche, right? but, how wonderful it could be, if we realize all those moments at the right time or place?? always than never, we knew them only when they were already being our, keep on thinking the reasons things happen surround you..maybe, u might find the "wisdom" behind them...keep on searching! ;)


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